Dr. Marta Schuhmacher was the representative of TecnATox in the 1st TECNIO Congress, which took place in October 19 and where it was debated about the knowledge transfer model that Catalonia needs to generate high-impact innovation.
Nearly 200 people attended the 1st TECNIO 2022 Congress which was focused on discussing the challenges facing the knowledge transfer ecosystem to turn Catalonia into a hub of technological innovation. Prominent experts from the world of research, business and the Catalan administration participated in 4 round tables with the aim of talking on policies and mechanisms that facilitate collaboration between business and research for generate innovation in the Catalan territory.
More information can be found below.
Posted on 20-10-2022
The magazine and web portal Tecnoaqua and the Microplastics Working Group of Commission II of the Spanish Association of Water Supply and Sanitation (AEAS) organized the 2nd Technical Conference on the Microplastics: emerging concern in the waters; Incidence, evaluation of its potential effects, analysis and determination, and elimination. TecnATox Microplastic group attended this conference that took place in Valencia, within the framework of the Water Digitization and Decarbonization Fair (Efiaqua 2022), on October 4, 2022. Prof. Jordi Sierra gave an excellent presentation and pointed out the problem of microplastics in the sludge lines- its levels, environmental effects and prevention.
Posted on 07-10-2022
Last Friday, September 30, the European Night of Research 2022 took place in Plaça Corsini in Tarragona. This event is held every year in more than 300 cities from different European countries, to bring science closer to the population. This scientific dissemination project is promoted by the European Commission in the Horizon 2020 program.
In this year's edition, several members of TecnATox participated on different workshops: Bacteris i el seus misteris, Cervells endollats and Som PLASTICívors! The last one, and a talk on the origins of Alzheimer's disease were also presented in the Fundació "la Caixa" in the CaixaForum of Tarragona.
Finally, we want to thank all the children and adults who attended, for their interest and involvement. It was a very enriching experience for all!Posted on 05-10-2022
TecnATox members, coordinators of the SEEDS project, participated in the transnational project meeting organised in a hybrid format, on 29th and 30th of September 2022 in Turin, Italy, with the participation of the representatives of all partner organisations involved in the project. The meeting was an opportunity to review the project progress, to organise the project activities and to assign the last tasks for the remaining period till the end of the project. The SEEDS: Substance of circular Economy concept as Efficacious Determinant for the development of Successful entrepreneurship project (2020-1-ES01-KA202-083137) is Co-Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. More information about the project at:
Posted on 05-10-2022
Pollution by microplastics is one of the most important environmental problems that humans face right now. In this line, researchers of TecnATox have just published a new article on this topic in the journal Water Research. The study focused on analyzing the concentration, morphology, and composition of microplastics in a drinking water treatment plant located close to Barcelona. The overall removal efficiency of the plant was calculated in more than 98%. According to their estimations, the intake of microplastics through drinking water would not be an important route compared to fish and seafood ingestion.
Scientific Articles 30-09-2022
Posted on 05-10-2022
As every year, TecnATox was present in several events of Nit de la Recerca 2022. In the first of them, Dr. Montse Marquès gave a talk at INS Joan Guinjoan (Riudoms), entitled Endocrine disruptors: the chemical cocktail of our everyday life.
Posted on 01-10-2022