
Nerea Carrión and David Mateo, postgraduate students of TecnATox, attended the 36th ECNP Congress, which took place in Barcelona between October 7-10. The annual ECNP Congress is Europe’s largest meeting in applied and translational neuroscience, and it is organized by the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology.

Both Nerea and David conduct their research in the framework of the official project entitled DEM-BIOTA (DEMentias and microBIOTA composition: Microbiota in dementias. Is possible to revert the dementia symptoms reverting the microbiota composition?), which is led by their PhD supervisor Dr. Marga Torrente.

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On 3-5 October, we have been in Malta learning and sharing experiences about circular economy education and entrepreneurship at the LTTA hosted by the MECB in the framework of the DISCERN Erasmus Plus Project. The training was focused on:

  • Industry Green transformation – circular design of products
  • Resource-intensive sectors transformation – Plastic
  • Towards biodiversity and ecological transformation of companies
  • Disruptive innovation management for monitoring and optimizing circular economy Performance
  • Rethinking companies’ business model for sustainable development & business plan
  • Public and private start-up financing opportunities for sustainable growth.

More information about the project:

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Dr. Vikas Kumar and his team will be involved in a new EU project, which is named MERLON (Merging scientific evidence with regulatory practices and leveraging identification of endocrine disruptors using new approach methodologies) and will be coordinated by the Technical University of Denmark [DTU].


There will be 11 prominent EU institutions participating: (1) Technical University of Denmark, Denmark DTU, 2) Vrije Universiteit, Netherland VUA, 3) Karolinska Institute, Sweden KI, 4) Research Institute For Environmental And Occupational Health, France IRSET, 5) The Capital Region of Denmark, Denmark REGIONH, 6) University of Lieg, Belgium ULIEGE, 7) Pere Virgili Institute for Health Research, Spain IISPV, 8) National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Netherland RIVM, 9) University of Cordoba, Spain UCO, 10) Health and Environment Alliance, Belgium HEAL, and 11) Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Norway NIVA).


The project will last 5 years and it will start from December 2023. MERLON is focused on endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) by developing the adverse outcome pathway (AOP) framework, especially quantitative AOP networks, and increasing the availability of human-relevant new approach methodologies (NAMs) to bridge the gap between science and policy needed to advance regulatory decision making and reduce health impacts of EDCs. Therefore, the focused endpoint will be reproductive toxicity after exposure to EDCs.
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The Erasmus + Project “DISCERN-A customised Digital Space to Foster Circular Economy Entrepreneurship with SMEs” has released the fourth newsletter. We invite you to read it in Spanish or English by clicking on this news.

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EUROTOX Congress 2023, which took place in September 10-13, was the scenario where Prof. José L. Domingo, Emeritus Professor and co-Founder of TecnATox, received the 2023 EUROTOX Merit Award.

This Award, created by the Federation of European Toxicologists and European Societies of Toxicology, is presented annually to recognize professionals with a distinguished career in European toxicology. In this particular case, it was based on his professional career and his contributions in the field, as well as his extensive list of European and International publications.

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