
Prof. Domingo will talk about contaminated soils in "Escarabajo Verde" (TVE2) tomorrow, Friday 20th November, at 18.10PM in Catalonia, and at 18:35PM in Spain.

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The Port Tarragona Opinion Space, a new communication channel open to the participation of civil society, was born and TecnATox is in.

The working group is made up of about twenty people representing the social and cultural fabric of the city of Tarragona and the territory. It is aimed at establishing a permanent and open communication to improve the relationship and connection with the environment of the Port.

You invite you to read the full press release.

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The Spanish Ministry of Education has recently opened FPU call. This is a very good opportunity to join TecnATox for at least 4 years and become a PhD. The full call description is available here. If you meet the requirements, do not hesitate to contact us.
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Infertility affects about 15% of the world's population and male factors are responsible for 40-50% of these cases. There are many causes that could explain the decline in fertility in men: the environment and lifestyle, environmental pollution, tobacco and/or alcohol consumption, lack of physical activity, stress and unhealthy diets. However, no study has jointly evaluated all of these factors at once.

Now, the Human Nutrition Unit and the Laboratory of Toxicology and Environmental Health (TecnATox) are leading the study LED-FERTYL (Lifestyle and environmental determinants of seminogram and other male fertility related parameters), which is now in the recruitment phase of male volunteers between 18 and 40 years old.

Are you willing to help us?

If you would like to participate in this study you will only need to attend to a single appointment at the beginning of the project. You must meet a number of criteria to be included in the study: to be between 18 and 40 years, answer a series of questionnaires related to their lifestyle and other personal characteristics and provide biological samples to be able to start the research.

Those interested, please send an e-mail to indicating the subject "Recruitment Ledfertyl".

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The interview of Dr. Martí Nadal by El Punt Avui is in press. You can read the full press release here!

EarlyCLOTHES is a Research project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (PID2019-104443GB-I00), which will assess the human health risks associated to the early-life exposure to chemicals contained in textile products

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Dr. Joaquim Rovira, postdoc of TecnAtox, talked about EarlyCLOTHES project in Tarragona Radio. EarlyCLOTHES is aimed at evaluating the human health risks related to the early exposure to chemicals in clothes.

We invite you to listen the full interview.

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