

Dr. Martí Nadal, researcher of the Health Risk Assessment and Food Toxicology area of TecnATox, has been appointed as new Section Editor-in-Chief of the journal Toxics, an open access journal from the Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI). Toxics is an international, peer-reviewed, journal, which provides an advanced forum for studies related to all aspects of the toxicity of chemicals and materials. Its CiteScore (Scopus data) is 3.7, being ranked 57/128 (Q2) in "Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis" and 64/116 (Q3) in "Toxicology". The journal, covered in the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) in the Web of Science, in Scopus and in Chemical Abstracts/SciFinder, will shortly receive its firs Impact Factor by Clarivate Analytics.

Starting from February 2021, Dr. Nadal will serve as Editor-in-Chief of the Section Risk Assessment and Management. This section is focused on new findings, communications and opinions related to how to assess the risk of chemicals to the human population and/or the natural environment and approaches to managing or mitigating these risks.

Since 2013, when the first volume was published, TecnATox members have periodically publishing in Toxics. Dr. Nadal previously served as Guest Editor of the Special Issue Risk Assessment of Environmental Contaminants, together with Prof. Marta Schuhmacher.

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Expósito N, Carafa R, Kumar V, Sierra J, Schuhmacher M, Giménez Papiol G. Performance of Chlorella Vulgaris exposed to heavy metal mixtures: Linking measured endpoints and mechanisms. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021, 18:1037
En el marc del projecte "Impacte de la petroquímica sobre la salut humana" estem avaluant la percepció del risc d'aquesta indústria al Camp de Tarragona.

L’anàlisi es basa en una enquesta en línia dirigida al conjunt de la ciutadania del Camp de Tarragona. El seu objectiu és, a part de les dades demogràfiques bàsiques de la persona informant, recollir l’opinió ciutadana sobre el risc percebut de la indústria petroquímica i, per mitjà de dos mapes interactius, la localització de les fonts de risc petroquímic i la valoració del seu nivell de perillositat, per una banda, i els llocs que podrien veure's afectats pels diversos riscos i les seves intensitats, per l’altra.

L’enquesta es troba disponible en dues versions (català i castellà) a les adreces i, respectivament. Les dades recollides seran exclusivament d'ús acadèmic i el tractament dels mateixos s'ajustarà a la llei orgànica 3/2018, de 5 de desembre, de protecció de dades personals i garantia dels drets digitals.

A més, entre les persones participants que hagin complimentat tots els camps de l’enquesta entraran en el sorteig el sorteig d'una «escapada de tres dies per a dues persones» valorada en aproximadament 100€.

Els resultats obtinguts així com les principals conclusions de l’estudi es faran públic un cop s’hagi analitzat la informació recollida.

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Perminova IV, Garcia-Mina JM, Podgorski DC, Cervantes FJ, Efremenko EN, Domingo JL. Editorial Humic substances and living systems: impact on environmental and human health. Environ Res. 2021 Jan 8:110726.

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We invite you to click on this news to check out our highlights of the last year.

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Carafa R, Expósito Lorenzo N, Sierra Llopart J, Kumar V, Schuhmacher M. Characterization of river biofilm responses to the exposure with heavy metals using a novel micro fluorometer biosensor. Aquat Toxicol. 2021, 105732
Aschner M, Paoliello M, Tsatsakis A, Bowman AB, Dorea JG, Hartung T, Domingo JL, Barbosa F Jr. Social Injustice in Environmental Health: A Call for Fortitude.. Environ Res. 2020 Dec 26:110675. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2020.110675.
Guardia-Escoté L, Blanco J, Basaure P, Biosca-Brull J, Verkaik-Schakel RN, Cabré M, Peris-Sampedro F, Pérez-Fernández C, Sánchez-Santed F, Plösch T, Domingo JL, Colomina MT. Sex and Exposure to Postnatal Chlorpyrifos Influence the Epigenetics of Feeding-Related Genes in a Transgenic APOE Mouse Model: Long-Term Implications on Body Weight after a High-Fat Diet . Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Dec 29;18(1):E184. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18010184.
Aschner M, Paoliello MMB, Domingo JL, Spandidos DA, Mally A, Wallace HM, Rakitskii VN, Hartung T, Tsatsakis A. When the boundaries between science and politics are blurred. Toxicol Rep. 2020, 7:1607
Barile FA, Berry SC, Blaauboer B, Boobis A, Bolt H, Borgert CJ, Dekant W, Dietrich D, Domingo JL, Gori GB, Greim H, Hengstler J, Kacew S, Marquardt H, Pelkonen O, Savolainen K, Heslop-Harrison P, Tsatsakis A, Vermeulen NP. Critique of the "Comment" etitled "Pyrethroid exposure: not so harmless after all" by Demeneix et al. (2020) published in The Lancet Diabetes Endocrinology. . Toxicol Lett. 2021 Jan 4:S0378-4274(20)30527-0.
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