Our PhD students Laia Gutiérrez, Melina Rojas, Jordina Balaguer, Óscar Sabuz, Deepika Deepika and David Mateo presented their thesis projects on the "1st Young Researchers Day" organized by the Institut d’Investigació Sanitària Pere Virgili and the Universitat Rovira i Virgili.
Posted on 23-11-2021
On November 25, Dr. Neus González will participate as a speaker in the “V Jornada Integrada de Estudos Ambientais” held by the Universidade Federal de Triângulo Mineiro (Brazil). She will talk about TecnATox and her ongoing research projects on food toxicology and human health assessment.
Posted on 22-11-2021
Posted on 22-11-2021
Scientific Articles 18-11-2021
Posted on 19-11-2021
4.0 ANDCOM, a project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, has released the fourth newsletter.
We invite you to read it by clicking on this news.
Posted on 19-11-2021
About half of the Posidonia planted with biotopes in Hospitalet de l’Infant survives.
It is the first pilot test carried out in Catalonia that gives positive results in the regeneration of this plant endemic to the Mediterranean. It has been carried out by TecnATox along with the company derived from URV Deepsea Numerical with the aim to find formulas to recover the marine ecosystem.
We invite you to read the full press release.
Posted on 11-11-2021