

Prof. Teresa Colomina, director of Neurotoxicology, Psichopharmacology and Behavioral Science area, has been awarded as distinguished professor.

TecnATox currently accounts with three distinguished professors, as Prof. José Luis Domingo and Prof. Marta Schuhmacher already have such distinction. This is a great milestone.

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Rovira J, Schuhmacher M, Nadal M, Domingo JLContamination by coal dust in the neighborhood of the Tarragona Harbor (Catalonia, Spain): A preliminary study. The Open Atm J. 2018; 12:14-20. doi:10.2174/1874282301812010014.
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TecnATox practiced two field investigations in the vicinity of Besòs incinerator in 2014 and 2017. These studies pointed to an increased risk of cancer in inhabited areas near the plant, the that more waste burns in Catalonia with about 400,000 tons per year. The concern that caused in neighboring neighborhoods, with some 56,000 neighbors, impacted on the platform Aire Net, which has denounced before the Prosecutor alleged illegalities to hide the pollution that blames the plant. The alarm has forced the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (AMB) and the City Council of the capital -owners of the public company Tersa, which manages the installation- to commission new studies.

You can read the full press release of EL MUNDO and watch Prof. José Luis Domingo's interview on betevé.

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Dr. Jaume Folch, researcher of TecnATox, has recently published a book. It is entitled "El naufragi dels records. Què hi ha darrere de malalties com l'Alzheimer?" (The shipwreck of memories. What is behind Alzheimer's disease?). This book explains, with an understandable and at the same time rigorous language, why diseases like this deprive us of memories, emotions, affection. It is also about the most surprising theories in the field of neuroscience and reveals the keys to future therapies. We live an extraordinary moment in the search for new treatments for brain disorders that will open a new era for humanity.

Dr. Jaume Folch will be signing the book in Rambla Catalunya (Tarragona) next April 23, in the framework of Sant Jordi's day.

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Venkatanaidu Karri obtained the PhD degree with the highest qualitification Excellent Cum Laude.

The thesis entitled: "Integrated In vitro - Omics based approach to assess the heavy metals and their binary mixtures toxicity in hippocampal HT-22 cell line" was supervised by Prof. Marta Schuhmacher and Dr. Vikas Kumar.

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Venkatanaidu Karri, PhD candidate in TecnATox, will defend his doctoral thesis on 9th April 2018, at 9.30h in Sala de Graus, Chemical Engineering School, Universitat Rovira i Virgili.

Title: "Integrated In vitro - Omics based approach to assess the heavy metals and their binary mixtures toxicity in hippocampal HT-22 cell line".

Supervisors: Dr. Marta Schuhmacher and Dr. Vikas Kumar.

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