
Warning about the intake of microplastics through mussels

Posted on 08-10-2024


"Each mussel grown in Catalonia contains, on average, 9 microplastics". This is one of the main conclusions of a study led by TecnATox researchers, who studied the presence of microplastics in bivalves cultivated in Catalonia and determined the effects of purification on the levels of these particles in mussels, curly oysters and scallops. This investigation was carried out in collaboration with researchers from the University of Florence (Italy) and the University of Barcelona, and it was funded by the Catalan Food Safety Agency (ACSA) of the Department of Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya. The full version of the report can be accessed on https://acsa.gencat.cat/ca/seguretat_alimentaria/avaluacio-riscos/estudis-avaluacio/estudis-dexposicio/microplastics-en-bivalves/index.html.

Dr. Joaquim Rovira was also recently interviewed by Tarragona Ràdio to talk about this study and the problem of microplastics. The interview can be listened at https://www.tarragonaradio.cat/joaquim-rovira-quan-mengem-musclos-o-ostres-estem-ingerint-microplastics/