
Two new articles were published in August

Posted on 01-09-2022

Scientific research does not stop in Summer. In August, TecnATox researchers published two new articles in high-impact scientific journals on Environmental Sciences:
Deepika D, Sharma RP, Schuhmacher M, Sakhi AK, Thomsen C, Chatzi L, Vafeiadi M, Quentin J, Slama R, Grazuleviciene R, Andrušaitytė S, Waiblinger D, Wright J, Yang TC, Urquiza J, Vrijheid M, Casas M, Domingo JL, Kumar V. Unravelling sex-specific BPA toxicokinetics in children using a pediatric PBPK model. Environ Res. 2022; 114074
Souza MCO, Rocha BA, Adeyemi JA, Nadal M, Domingo JL, Barbosa F Jr. Legacy and emerging pollutants in Latin America: A critical review of occurrence and levels in environmental and food samples. Sci Total Environ. 2022; 157774