
Final NEUROSOME conference

Posted on 05-04-2022


Last March 30th, the final NEUROSOME conference was held. NEUROSOME was an European integrated training network which investigated the causal associations among genetic predisposition, cumulative exposure to multiple environmental chemicals of children and neurodevelopmental disorders. The project brought together beyond- the-state-of-the-art advances in human biomonitoring and systems biology, exposure monitoring and toxicological testing technologies and advanced tools for computational analyses of the exposure-to-health effect continuum according to the exposome paradigm. NEUROSOME, which run between October 2017 and March 2022, was coordinated by Prof. Denis Sarigiannis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki). Regarding TecnATox, Prof. Marta Schuhmacher and Ms. Deepika had a very active participation in the project.