
Posted on 26-09-2023

The Erasmus + Project “DISCERN-A customised Digital Space to Foster Circular Economy Entrepreneurship with SMEs” has released the fourth newsletter. We invite you to read it in Spanish or English by clicking on this news.
Posted on 19-09-2023

EUROTOX Congress 2023, which took place in September 10-13, was the scenario where Prof. José L. Domingo, Emeritus Professor and co-Founder of TecnATox, received the 2023 EUROTOX Merit Award.
This Award, created by the Federation of European Toxicologists and European Societies of Toxicology, is presented annually to recognize professionals with a distinguished career in European toxicology. In this particular case, it was based on his professional career and his contributions in the field, as well as his extensive list of European and International publications.
Posted on 13-09-2023

Project Title: “DIGULI - Microplastics: dietary intake, impact on gut and promotion on liver damage.
Details of the call:
Posted on 12-09-2023

September is World Alzheimer's Month, and every year World Alzheimer's Day takes place on 21 September. A couple of days before, on 19 September, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Associació d’Alzheimer i Altres Trastorns Neurocognitius de Reus i Baix Camp and Institut Lerín Neurocognitive, will organize a meeting to highlight the impact of Alzheimer's Disease in the society and the importance to conduct research on this field.
Two researchers of TecnAtox have been invited by the organization of the meeting, which will take place at the School of Medicine (Reus). Dr. Mònica Bulló, Professor of Nutrition and Metabolism and ICREA Academia Researcher, will present the conference Nutrition and lifestyle in the onset and progression of deterioration cognitive and dementias. Afterwards, Dr. Margarita Torrente, Professor of Psychobiology will do a conference entitled Research on risk factors in dementia: the role of the microbiota (DEMBIOTA project).
The full program can be uploaded here.
Posted on 08-09-2023

TecnATox will lead one of the 5 technical working groups of experts associated with the Spanish Permanent Interministerial Commission for Human biological health surveillance (CIBMH).
The Technical Working Groups will be multidisciplinary and will address the complexity that human biomonitoring studies require. They will have the participation of scientific experts of recognized prestige from the autonomous communities, the academic field, public research organizations and other institutions.
More information:
Posted on 04-07-2023

Posted on 27-06-2023

In June 16, the annual TecnATox students workshop took place at the School of Chemical Engineering. The event was an opportunity for PhD students to not only share their research but also to find potential collaborations with researchers working in other research areas within TecnATox. The event was in charge of Dr. Joaquim Rovira and the student Ana González was awarded as the winner of the 1st TecnATox PhD Student Championship.
Ana presented a summary of her PhD thesis, supervised by Dr. Montse Marquès and focused on exploring the potential role of the chemical exposome on the development of adverse health outcomes during pregnancy.
Posted on 20-06-2023

TecnATox members, partners of the DISCERN project, participated in the transnational project meeting organised in a hybrid format, on 30th and 31st of May 2023 in Rzeszów, Poland, with the participation of the representatives of all partner organisations involved in the project. The meeting was an opportunity to review the project progress, to organise the project activities and to assign the last tasks for the remaining period till the end of the project. The Erasmus+ project: DISCERN: A customised DIgital Space to Foster Circular Economy EntrepReNeurship with SMEs (2021-1-RO01-KA220-VET-000024964) is Funded by the European Union.
More information about the project at:
Posted on 31-05-2023

Given his impressive editorial and scientific experience, Prof. José Luis Domingo has been appointed as Emeritus Editor of a new journal: Public Health and Toxicology.
This is a new peer-reviewed open-access journal that welcomes integrated epidemiological, clinical, animal and cellular biological research to provide the scientific foundation in support of hazard identification and risk assessment, resulting from exposure to chemical or biological agents. Furthermore, the journal is interested in aspects of toxicology which may protect public health and the environment through subsequent recommendations which may abate or reduce any resulting health effects.
The Editor-in-Chief of the journal is Prof. Aristidis Tsatsakis, Full Professor of Toxicology, former Vice-President (2012-2014) and President (2014-2016) of the Federation of European Societies of Toxicology (EUROTOX). The journal has been developed by European Publishing and no Article Processing Charges apply to manuscripts published in 2022-2023.
Posted on 30-05-2023