
New scientific outcomes of the EarlyCLOTHES project

Posted on 16-01-2023


In the framework of the EarlyCLOTHES project, researchers of TecnATox and the University of Sao Paulo, have published an article focused on the presence of 20 regulated amines (AAs) in clothes marketed in Brazil and Spain. Generally, higher levels of regulated AAs were found in samples sold in Brazil than in Spain, which is linked to the lack of regulation. Concentration values in clothing were also used to evaluate the dermal exposure to AAs in 3 vulnerable population groups: pregnant women, newborns and toddlers.

After the publication of the first results of the project, not only regulated amines but also formaldehyde, the investigation is now focused on the co-occurrence of other textile additives, such as non-regulated AAs, trace elements and bisphenols.

Oliveira Souza MC, González N, Herrero M, Marquès M, Rovira J, Nadal M, Barbosa F, Domingo JL. Screening of regulated aromatic amines in clothing marketed in Brazil and Spain: Assessment of human health risks. Environ Res. 2023: 115264.