Conducting research and development in the area of Environmental and Health protection
Dr. Roser Esplugas will present "És segur l'aire que respirem a casa?" (Is it safe the air that we breath at home?) and the FlameRISK project (Funded by the Spanish Minestry of Science, Innovation and Universities (RTI2018-095466-B-I00)) in the European Resarchers' Night, which will be held - virtually - next Friday afternoon.
You can follow the divulgative talks on this link:
Center of Environmental Food and Toxicological Technology,Rovira i Virgili University (URV)
c. Sant Llorenç, 21 Reus, Catalonia • Spain
Av. Països Catalans, 26Tarragona, Catalonia • Spain
Ctra. de Valls, s/n 26Tarragona, Catalonia • Spain